( ! ) Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 2097152) (tried to allocate 876544 bytes) in C:\OPServer\domains\lr-club.pro\system\Db\Db.php on line 683
Call Stack
10.0013395496{main}( )...\index.php:0
20.0133927224IPS\_Dispatcher::i( )...\index.php:13
30.0139929968IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->init( )...\Dispatcher.php:109
40.16907509736IPS\Dispatcher\_Front->checkUrl( )...\Front.php:86
50.16917509736IPS\Http\Url\_Friendly->correctFriendlyUrl( )...\Front.php:350
60.16917509736IPS\Http\Url\_Internal->correctUrlFromVerifyClass( $verify = '\\IPS\\forums\\Topic' )...\Friendly.php:218
70.214110272576IPS\forums\_Topic::preCorrectUrlFromVerifyClass( $url = class IPS\Http\Url\Friendly { public $base = 'front'; public $seoTemplate = 'forums_topic'; public $seoTitles = [0 => 'den-rozhdenija-kluba-2017/<___base_url___>/profile/173-tidejay/<___base_url___>/profile/1027-zac_jeka/<___base_url___>/profile/360-natach']; public $friendlyUrlComponent = 'topic/3904-den-rozhdenija-kluba-2017/<___base_url___>/profile/173-tidejay/<___base_url___>/profile/1027-zac_jeka/<___base_url___>/profile/360-natach'; public $isInternal = TRUE; public $isFriendly = TRUE; public $seoPagination = TRUE; protected $url = 'http://lr-club.pro/topic/3904-den-rozhdenija-kluba-2017/%3C___base_url___%3E/profile/173-tidejay/%3C___base_url___%3E/profile/1027-zac_jeka/%3C___base_url___%3E/profile/360-natach/'; public $data = ['scheme' => 'http', 'host' => 'lr-club.pro', 'port' => NULL, 'user' => NULL, 'pass' => NULL, 'path' => '/topic/3904-den-rozhdenija-kluba-2017/<___base_url___>/profile/173-tidejay/<___base_url___>/profile/1027-zac_jeka/<___base_url___>/profile/360-natach/', 'query' => '', 'fragment' => NULL]; public $queryString = []; public $hiddenQueryString = ['app' => 'forums', 'module' => 'forums', 'controller' => 'topic', 'id' => '3904'] } )...\Internal.php:175
80.222310781952IPS\forums\_Forum::loadIntoMemory( $permissionCheck = ???, $member = ???, $where = ??? )...\Topic.php:186
90.223310784472IPS\Node\_Model::loadIntoMemory( $permissionCheck = 'view', $member = class IPS\Member { public $_followData = NULL; protected $_previousPhotoType = NULL; public $_group = ['g_id' => 2, 'g_view_board' => 1, 'g_mem_info' => 0, 'g_other_topics' => 1, 'g_use_search' => 0, 'g_edit_profile' => 0, 'g_post_new_topics' => 0, 'g_reply_own_topics' => 0, 'g_reply_other_topics' => 0, 'g_edit_posts' => '0', 'g_delete_own_posts' => '0', 'g_open_close_posts' => 0, 'g_delete_own_topics' => 0, 'g_post_polls' => 0, 'g_vote_polls' => 0, 'g_use_pm' => 0, 'g_append_edit' => 0, 'g_access_offline' => 0, 'g_avoid_q' => 0, 'g_avoid_flood' => 0, 'g_icon' => NULL, 'g_attach_max' => 0, 'prefix' => '', 'suffix' => '', 'g_max_messages' => 50, 'g_max_mass_pm' => -1, 'g_search_flood' => 10, 'g_edit_cutoff' => 0, 'g_hide_from_list' => 0, 'g_post_closed' => 0, 'g_photo_max_vars' => '50:150:150', 'g_dohtml' => 0, 'g_edit_topic' => 0, 'g_bypass_badwords' => 0, 'g_can_msg_attach' => 0, 'g_attach_per_post' => 0, 'g_topic_rate_setting' => 0, 'g_dname_changes' => 0, 'g_dname_date' => 1, 'g_mod_preview' => 0, 'g_rep_max_positive' => 10, 'g_rep_max_negative' => 0, 'g_signature_limits' => '0:::::', 'g_hide_online_list' => 1, 'g_bitoptions' => 837943296, 'g_pm_perday' => -1, 'g_mod_post_unit' => 0, 'g_ppd_limit' => 0, 'g_ppd_unit' => 0, 'g_displayname_unit' => 0, 'g_sig_unit' => 0, 'g_pm_flood_mins' => -1, 'g_max_notifications' => 0, 'g_max_bgimg_upload' => -1, 'g_max_diskspace' => 0, 'g_max_upload' => 0, 'g_max_transfer' => 0, 'g_max_views' => 0, 'g_create_albums' => 0, 'g_create_albums_private' => 0, 'g_create_albums_fo' => 0, 'g_album_limit' => 0, 'g_img_album_limit' => 0, 'g_edit_own' => 0, 'g_del_own' => 0, 'g_img_local' => 0, 'g_movies' => 0, 'g_movie_size' => 0, 'g_gallery_use' => 1, 'g_gs_view' => 1, 'g_gs_view_offline' => 0, 'g_gs_add_vehicles' => 1, 'g_gs_edit_vehicles' => 1, 'g_gs_delete_vehicles' => 0, 'g_gs_vehicles_per_member' => 5, 'g_gs_rate_vehicles' => 1, 'g_gs_rate_own_vehicles' => 1, 'g_gs_rate_vehicles_change' => 1, 'g_gs_add_mods' => 1, 'g_gs_edit_mods' => 1, 'g_gs_delete_mods' => 0, 'g_gs_mods_per_vehicle' => 50, 'g_gs_add_images' => 1, 'g_gs_edit_images' => 1, 'g_gs_delete_images' => 0, 'g_gs_images_per_vehicle' => 20, 'g_gs_view_comments' => 1, 'g_gs_add_comments' => 1, 'g_gs_edit_comments' => 1, 'g_gs_delete_comments' => 0, 'g_gs_comments_per_vehicle' => 5, 'g_gs_manage_edit_vehicles' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_edit_mods' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_edit_images' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_edit_comments' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_delete_vehicles' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_delete_mods' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_delete_images' => 0, 'g_gs_manage_delete_comments' => 0, 'g_gs_manage' => 0, 'g_blog_allowlocal' => 0, 'g_blog_maxblogs' => 0, 'g_blog_allowprivate' => 0, 'g_blog_allowownmod' => 0, 'g_blog_allowdelete' => 0, 'g_blog_allowcomment' => 0, 'g_bitoptions2' => 0, 'g_upload_animated_photos' => 1, 'g_view_displaynamehistory' => 0, 'g_hide_own_posts' => NULL, 'g_lock_unlock_own' => NULL, 'g_can_report' => '1', 'g_create_clubs' => 'public,open,closed,private', 'g_club_allowed_nodes' => '*', 'g_close_polls' => 0, 'g_promote_exclude' => 0, 'g_club_limit' => NULL, 'g_download_original' => 1, 'gbw_mod_post_unit_type' => FALSE, 'gbw_ppd_unit_type' => FALSE, 'gbw_displayname_unit_type' => FALSE, 'gbw_sig_unit_type' => FALSE, 'gbw_promote_unit_type' => FALSE, 'gbw_no_status_update' => FALSE, 0 => FALSE, 1 => FALSE, 2 => FALSE, 3 => FALSE, ...]; protected $restrictions = NULL; protected $modPermissions = NULL; protected $calculatedLanguageId = 3; public $markers = []; public $markersResetTimes = []; public $haveAllMarkers = FALSE; protected $defaultStreamId = FALSE; public $changedCustomFields = []; protected $previousName = NULL; protected $_groups = [0 => 2]; protected $_socialGroups = NULL; protected $_clubs = []; protected $_features = NULL; protected $sessionData = NULL; protected $_lang = class IPS\Lang { protected $caches = [...]; public $outputStack = [...]; protected $wordsLoaded = FALSE; public $locale = [...]; public $codepage = '1251'; protected $preferredDateFormat = 'DD.MM.YY'; public $words = [...]; public $originalWords = [...]; protected $_initialized = TRUE; protected $_url = NULL; protected $_childrenResults = [...]; protected $_permissions = NULL; protected $_originalPermissions = NULL; protected $cachedPermissionChecks = [...]; public $noCopyButton = FALSE; protected $contentPostedIn = [...]; public $_followData = NULL; protected $queued = NULL; protected $_data = [...]; protected $_new = FALSE; public $changed = [...]; public $skipCloneDuplication = FALSE }; protected $_url = NULL; public $rawProfileFieldsData = NULL; public $profileFields = NULL; protected $_reputationData = NULL; protected $_reputationLastDayWon = NULL; protected $_reputationDaysWonCount = NULL; public $notificationsConfiguration = NULL; protected $_following = []; protected $reportCount = NULL; protected $ignorePreferences = NULL; protected $_ppdLimit = NULL; public $_customCount = NULL; public $_profileCompletion = NULL; protected $_referredBy = NULL; protected $caches = []; protected $_data = ['member_group_id' => 2, 'mgroup_others' => '', 'joined' => 1718283189, 'ip_address' => '', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'allow_admin_mails' => TRUE, 'pp_photo_type' => '', 'member_posts' => 0, 'last_visit' => NULL, 'pp_main_photo' => NULL, 'pp_thumb_photo' => NULL, 'failed_logins' => NULL, 'mfa_details' => NULL, 'pp_reputation_points' => 0, 'signature' => '', 'members_bitoptions' => class IPS\Patterns\Bitwise { ... }, 'auto_track' => '{"content":0,"comments":0,"method":"immediate"}']; protected $_new = TRUE; public $changed = ['member_group_id' => 2, 'mgroup_others' => '', 'joined' => 1718283189, 'ip_address' => '', 'timezone' => 'UTC', 'allow_admin_mails' => TRUE, 'pp_photo_type' => '', 'member_posts' => 0, 'last_visit' => NULL]; public $skipCloneDuplication = FALSE }, $where = [0 => [0 => '(sub_can_post=0 OR min_posts_view<=?)', 1 => 0]] )...\Forum.php:717
100.223510787728IPS\Db\_Select->rewind( )...\Model.php:449
110.223510787728IPS\Db\_Select->runQuery( )...\Select.php:441
120.223510788104IPS\_Db->preparedQuery( $query = 'SELECT * FROM `forums_forums` LEFT JOIN `core_permission_index` ON core_permission_index.app=? AND core_permission_index.perm_type=? AND core_permission_index.perm_type_id=forums_forums.id LEFT JOIN `core_members` ON core_members.member_id=forums_forums.last_poster_id WHERE (sub_can_post=0 OR min_posts_view<=?) AND (( FIND_IN_SET(2,perm_view) ) OR perm_view=? ) ORDER BY position', $_binds = [0 => 'forums', 1 => 'forum', 2 => 0, 3 => '*'], $read = TRUE )...\Select.php:383
130.318710790720store_result( )...\Db.php:683